October 9, 2013
You know that cute little phrase, "don't let the bed bugs bite!" That's no longer a cute phrase but a sincere prayer of mine every night. Ha I have been eaten all up my arms and legs with these bites. We had a District Meeting over in Nelson and the mission president's wife was there. I had her look at them and then all the elders came over. She asked them what they looked like and one elder said, "They look like really scratched up bed bug bites". Ha, it's so hard not to scratch! I washed everything on my bed, vacuumed my mattress, and it seems to have gotten better. Apparantly most Americans get the bites; they like our blood.
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Leaving our mark with our shoes on the fence to Nelson.
We were able to do a bit of service this week. Service is the best because I can actually wear jeans and feel human. We went over to an investigators house and although she wasn't there we were able to get to work and weed her front garden. We stopped by another investigators home to drop off a FHE assignments and we were able to stay there for an hour and help them weed around their whole home. The kids and mom came out to work alongside us, which was great! We then threw the rugby ball around and played some touch. Always good!
P-Day this week was special because we had the whole district together. Since we can't drive we had the elders come in on buses and we all biked to the park. We had a little sausage barbeque with our small means as missionaries. We invited all the kids in the branch to come play with us and we had a great turn out! It was pretty much a branch activity ha. We played touch rugby and I actually did good! Usually when I get the ball I just stop and pass it to someone else, but this time I would actually run the ball and get right into it. It was a beautiful spring day, something everyone is Utah is probably missing right about now! It's getting quite warm, but then like Utah it freaks out and rains and gets really cold.
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Epic picture thanks to my enhancing feature on my camera.
This is a look out on Queen Charlotte's Drive.
D&C 18:38. Everyone should read secton 18 of the Doctrine and Covenants because it is great! The title of my letter this weeks comes from this section. They were asked to go out and find the 12 apostles and the Lord told them that it would be by their desires and their works that they would know them. As followers of Christ and as disciples because should be able to look to up and see our works are in harmony with the teachings of Christ.
This gospel is true and that is why I continue to serve! I love you all and am grateful for the influence you've been in my life. You have all impacted my life. We are all accumulations of what we've seen, heard, and felt. You all have added to who I am and I am truly grateful for the amazing people you are!
Love, Sister Kennedy
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