December 21, 2014
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." 2 Nephi 10:6
The family Christmas surprise. |
This week put me in the true Christmas mood! On Tuesday night a family had told us that they didn't think they'd have any Christmas for their 3 children because money was so tight. With an 8 year old, an 11 year old, and 14 year old we couldn't let this happen! We asked some of our ward members and they were amazing to put together some gifts and tree with decorations. We had an investigator donate some gifts and an Elder even put a lot towards it. We wrapped everything up and delivered it to them on Saturday. We brought in the tree and decorations which made them really happy and excited, but then we told them we'd forgotten something in the car. We came in with a big bag of presents and the 8 year old boy just started going nuts! Ha it was so awesome. We could really feel the Spirit of Christ and we knew how grateful they were. Isn't it awesome how many people came together so quickly to help this family? It was so touching!
Saturday morning Shaqaila came through Levin so we made the Elders meet us at the library so we could sing Christmas carols (Yes it's a library, but this one isn't quiet ha. We just sang around the piano in the main foyer). Quite a few people came though taking photos, or sitting and listening to us. It was really fun:) For the first time. I actually played a song and Shaqaila sang. Ha it was fun to switch roles.
This Sunday we attended the Foxton Branch and it was their primary program. I played the piano and there was a whopping 5 children who participated. My companion and some other family members joined the kids when they sang. It was really cute because the congregation would join in usually to help them. After church we had a lunch, so good!, and then we all went to 2 rest homes to sing Christmas carols. I played the piano, and at the last home there was this lady named Elsa, who came out with her violin. She used to play with the national orchestra and so she'd just start playing along with us impromptu and it was so good!
Caroling with the Foxton Branch and Else, a resident, came out and played her violin. I'm on the piano ha. |
Friday night, the Samoans in our ward put on a ward dance. It was so fun. Everyone was dancing, and we were sitting trying not to dance haha, since it's a rule. They played musical chairs and I volunteered since it wasn't dancing. I was in the final with this kid named To'o and the music stopped and I was totally gonna get the chair, and then he grabbed it and pulled it from underneath me. ha Sister Kennedy was then sitting on the ground laughing. I did win, but it was pretty funny. They had heaps of the best Samoan food so that was nice.
Well whanau and friends, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! Each day I'm just so grateful I am still a full time missionary this Christmas. There's so much I would have missed out on if I'd already gone home. This truly is a magical season because the people in New Zealand are more focused on Christ than at any other time! He is the Gift and the reason for the season.
Love, Sister Kennedy
Hey, I can't wait to Skype you in like 20 minutes!!!!
P.S. There's a new Sister in our mission, Sister Anderson, and she's from Bear River. She's actually serving in Palmerston North with Sister Gilmour so that will be fun to officially meet her! We served on the seminary council together in 2011 but at different high schools so we've met once before.