December 8, 2014
Must be Zone Conference with all the cars! |
So I realize that this is a day late.. but yesterday we had ZONE CONFERENCE! It was just the best. We got to combine with the Hawke's Bay Zone and met in Palmerston North. Elder and Sister Pearson, a member of the 70 and our Area President, came to speak to us. We were nervous mainly because he's a General Authority, but he was inspirational, serious, and funny all in one! He spoke to us about how we can change the vision we have for our missions and change ourselves by truly coming to learn of our divine identity. Everything about us can change when we come to truly know our relationship with Heavenly Father. Powerful! He was speaking a lot about what to do post mission to stay on the path, and that was timely information. He told us it is a myth that spirituality decreases after the mission. He said we can maintain the same level of spirituality if we decide to make it that way. So yes, I've already decided to keep it ha.
WOWington, a change from Wellington. |
We had a really busy week, which was great! On Friday we got to go to Wellington so my companion could see a doctor. I just LOVE being in Wellington! It makes me so so happy. The Doctor, who's a reumotologist, was awesome. He spent over an hour with her and we had Sister McGregor, who works in the office come with us and she took heaps of notes. So that was a success. Then after the appointment we had lunch in the mission office and I was lucky enough to be able to go visit a family I worked with.
The Ikitogia Family, love them! |
I had told the Sister in Wellington to let Leighya Ikitogia know that I was going to be coming through. So Leighya had all the kids at home and didn't tell them, so when I knocked on the door and walked in, all 3 kids were so surprised! It was so sweet. I just started to cry when they all yelled "Sister Kennedy!!" It was so sweet. Leighya was adorable. She hugged me and said she didn't want to let go. The cuties had made my Christmas cards, hard a box of chocolates, and even gave me a ponamu. AHH!!! They are honestly the best. It just filled me up to see them. They are going to church every week and I can really feel the Spirit in their home. I'm a part of their family:)
The view from the drive from Wellington. |
On Saturday we got to join Sister Gilmour and Breshears to attend a stake prospective missionary camp. It was neat because they held it on a marae and it was really inspirational. After that we got to be with the Feidling Sisters to see their baptism. It was a 10 year old girl and she was just so bubbly about her baptism. After traveling all Friday and Saturday I was pooped! Ha I enjoy driving but so much of it tires me out. After Zone Conference yesterday we got a new car:) Ha it was brought up from the South Island for us and it's a new Toyota Corolla. We are pretty lucky sisters.
We are so pumped about the church's Christmas Initiative: He is the Gift. It's amazing!!! We've been sharing our pass along cards and showing everyone we can the video on Has everyone seen this??! If not, that is your homework for the week.
District Pday of bowling and pizza in the park. |
Random bits: Last pday we got to go to Palmerston and go bowling with our District, then eat pizza in the park. It was a skate park and these kids were doing backflips and frontflips on scooters. It was so cool!! Being released as STL has been a change, but it made Zone Conference more fun because I wasn't really worried about anything ha. Shaqaila was so sweet and came to our Zone Conference so she could play "Angels We Have Heard on High" with us for a musical number. We have our ward Christmas celebrating this Saturday and the Samoan choir will be singing. Fun! If the weather is nice we'll do an outdoor concert and hopefully people from the street will come join us.
I love you all heaps and heaps!! Start feeling the real Christmas Spirit- the Spirit of Christ.
Love, Sister Kennedy
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