Monday, November 25, 2013

21 is great.

October 22, 2013

What a week! It was just zoomed by so fast. Everyone suddenly wants to see us since Sister Taleni is leaving so we've had meal appointments galore and hardly anytime to pack or clean the flat.

They lifted us down with a tractor after the trailer ride. So fun!
On Saturday we had a super successful branch activity. The MacDonald's have a big vineyard farm (Old MacDonald had a farm, eeyi eeyi oh) and they invited everyone out. I had my first hongi which was interesting.. I'm not sure I'm sold on the taste. Then they loaded up 2 big trailers behind a tractor and they took us around his land and out to the ocean water. We are so close to the ocean! We had a big turn out and we even had 3 investigators come which was super cool. All the islanders love a good hongi and the kids and adults were playing rugby. It was really warm and I got really sunburned along with all the other white elders, but all in good fun!

The Edward's stayed with us this weekend so they took us out for Chinese Birthday dinner, they got me a chocolate cake, and sang to me in the morning. They are the cutest, and we love having the senior couples around!

My Birthday was so great, probably because it was Sunday as well. I did the normal routine in the morning but when I went back into my bedroom my bed was filled with purple balloons, a big Happy Birthday sign and a present. My companion is the greatest, giving me my 21st key! Turning 21 isn't a very big deal in Utah especially when you're Mormon because you can't go drinking. But here it's the biggest Birthday they celebrate. If you've been a good kid, you get a 21st key which is the key to your freedom. I'd say I've been pretty good, so it was the best present:)

My 21st birthday with a member!
Sister Taleni had such a surprise when her Uncle's family drove up from Christchurch and were just sitting in the chapel waiting for church to start. They are the cutest family and it was so fun that they came to see her before she goes home to Austrailia. We were able to have lunch at a members home, they're work friends, and so they could chat for a bit. It reminded me of how much Heavenly Father loves families and that we really can be together forever. Brother Taleni said he remembers a ginger missionary named Elder Stratford so that was exciting to hear our families are connected!

My new companion, Sister White, arrives on a bus in about 20 minutes.. so we should go get her! She's Tahitian and been out almost a year. It will be exciting to have a day with 3 missionaries .Sister Taleni goes home tomorrow which is so sad. We've cried pretty much every day this week, but tears of happiness really. She's been so good to me and I know Heavenly Father gives us the companions we really need to grow and develop.

Thank you so much for everyone who sent me 21 things they are grateful for! It was so uplifting to see all the things that people really cherish. Having a grateful heart can make any situation better and more pleasant. Life is happier when we have an attitude of gratitude.

You are all the greatest and I love you so much!! It will be exciting to lead an area and try out my grown up missionary skills. God is real, He loves us, knows us and wants us to be happy. That's why He sent Jesus Christ, who knows exactly what we are going through. He's the way back!!

Love, Sister Kennedy

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