June 15, 2014
Wow, this week has been so neat! First off, I'm thrilled to stay another 8 weeks in Wellington and with beautiful Sister Leausa. We are stoked:) We have so much work to get done! This upcoming transfer we'll say goodbye to our beloved President Kezerian, we'll say hello to President Hudson, and this transfer I'll hit my one year, so it should be a full on transfer. Exciting!
We were blessed on Tuesday and Saturday to meet Tomai. He's an 8 year old who is eager to be baptized and learn more about Jesus. He tops all my investigators with sincere desire. As he prays, he always prays he can learn something good at church. He has an inactive dad, non-member mum, and 2 younger sisters. Luckily his auntie is a member and has been bringing him to church. We are excited to be able to teach him, but through him, teach his whole family. He loved watching the movie about Joseph Smith and his eyes were just glued. It was so cute!
We had our last Mission Leader Council on Tuesday with President and Sister Kezerian. It was bitter sweet because we had to say goodbye, but it was so nice to be with them one more time. They are just the best!
My companion had her 1/2 Birthday and we had an exchange so I used it as an excuse to buy her a 21st Key and celebrate with some balloons. It was also a celebration for Javana and Chelsea's Birthdays on the 11th.. because I forgot to send them both cards ha. Sorry, but I love you both!
Saturday was the beautiful baptism of Suzanna!! Remember my favourite ginger? This is the one!
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Before the baptism with Suzanna :) |
The Brown Family, who live way up north, but came down for Suzanna's baptism. President Brown, a stake president up north, baptised Suzanna which was awesome. |
The last exciting thing for me to report is the power of beautiful piano music. David Hatch (who is a 1st cousin to Orin Hatch, so we are somehow related), who is a Dr. of music and from Utah, brought with him amazingly talented kids to perform all over New Zealand. On Friday they had a benefit concert that we attended as ushers and had the Mayor and other dignitaries in attendance. Then on Sunday we had a tri-stake fireside where they played amazing arrangements of hymns. It was so cool! But that best part was that we had 2 investigators and our recent convert attend the fireside.
I hope no one thinks I had a sad week because my sister got married. The Lord blessed us so much with amazing investigators, lessons, and a baptism to top off our week! I love being a missionary so much. It makes my love for the Lord grow and my desires to be obedient increase. Just like King Lamoni's father, "I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy." Alma 22:15. This gospel is true!! I love you all heaps:)
Sister Kennedy
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