June 8, 2014
I don't think I share enough miracles, so I'm just going to share straight up miracles this week. As a missionary my life is always filled with miracles, so I hope you enjoy!
Wendy's on exchanges:) Feeling slightly more American. |
Almost every Sunday night we got to this complex where there's two inactive members, and two investigators that live in the same complex. We got not really knowing who will be there, but there's usually someone there we can teach. So last night was no different, but when we knocked on the door, we could see this group of people standing up the street. We went over and found the two inactive members and many more people standing around 2 broken windows. Someone had left the car without putting on the hand brake and the car started rolling down the hill. It hit 2 cars and finally stopped after hitting this building complex. It was Milia's, one of the inactive members, window. She then told us that she was sitting in the common area and thought, "the sisters will probably come tonight so I'll go hide in my room because I don't want to see them." But something kept her in the common room and that's when the car hit her window. Glass was scattered all across her bed and she realized that is she had went hiding she would have been seriously hurt. She told us that she knew she shouldn't have been hiding from us, but she knew God kept her in the other room. It was a sweet little miracle and so she sat and read the Book of Mormon with us knowing God wanted her to see us. I thought it was pretty neat.
We had a powerful lesson on the restoration today with a girl named Aileen. All 4 of us in the lesson were 21, so that was funny. As we shared our message with the video of the Restoration the Spirit was so strong. We testified how it wasn't a coincidence that she'd moved to Hamilton from Chile and then met her friend Danielle who's a member. It also wasn't a coincidence that she's moved to Wellington and now hearing this message. She began crying and accepted the invitation to be baptized on July 5th. It was such a miracle! I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in God's love for all His children.
Family history chalk talk in Paraparaumu. |
We had an exchange in Paraparaumu and all four sisters were there for 2 days. Since we have only a short 4 week transfer our exchanges are a bit hard. Anyway, the miracle was that even though we were out of our area for so long, when we came back on Wednesday night we were able to accomplish almost all of our goals in the shortened week. We were able to speak to many people, and had great lessons. Even though time is moving quick in this world, Heavenly Father allows us the time that we need to accomplish our righteous desires. Plus, our on exchange we were there to help celebrate Sister Maliepo's 21st Birthday so we were able to give her a little key to her freedom:)
Susie opening up her cell phone. |
We visit this less active member and she lives in the mental unit of the hospital. She's pretty crazy:) On Friday night she begged us to go get her a phone with her money, so after clearing it with her nurses we went to the store and bought her the cheapest cell phone we could find. We wrapped it in Spiderman paper and when she was opening it she began crying. Susie was so happy, it was cute:) She then begged to come to church, so we had a member pick her up and bring her. Ha for the rest of church we were running after her before she escaped outside. We kept her occupied with paper and pens and all things considered she had a lovely time. It made me think about how important the ordinance of sacrament is, for all members regardless of our state. She shows us what it is to be childlike, and at least she gives us a laugh with the things she says.
We went to support Te Ao, a YSA playing netball. She's so awesome! |
On Wednesday night, the Stake High Counselor gathered all the full-time missionaries, ward mission leaders, and Bishopric to discuss missionary work in the Stake. It was so awesome to see the local leaders catch the vision that missionaries can't do this work alone. We watched a clip from Elder Holland and he said that we can no longer say "there they go", it's now time for us as wards to say "here they come" and get to work utilizing the increase in missionaries. Our ward here has 8 full-time missionaries- I think that is the Lord hastening His work. I hope you are all utilizing the missionaries in your areas and put them to work!
My upcoming miracle is to be able to see my beautiful family before Caroline's wedding! I am super excited to Skype home on this week and see your beautiful faces. I hope you all have an exciting week, and especially the Kennedy family with the sealing of Caroline and Austin. We had a special ward conference on Sunday where they showed this video of this girl and all her preparation so to attend the temple at different stages in her life. It made me sad to not be able to attend the temple for a year a half, but it made me so grateful for the eternal blessings that it brings into our lives. I love you all HEAPS!
Love, Sister Kennedy
P.S. There's some more pictures of me this week on our
mission blog, just so you know:)
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