October 12, 2014
Kia Ora! WOW! General Conference was so great, I loved it! I realize I'm a bit behind the band wagon, but it was so awesome to be able to finally see Conference. I asked the Lord many questions, and because He loves me, He answered them! I hope you all found answers to your questions as well.
This is me pretending to be good on the piano with the Samoan choir. |
The thing that has kept us the busiest this week is the Samoan Choir in Levin. They've been asked to sing at Stake Conference next weekend, and they asked if I could play the piano for them. There's not many options here and I said yes without realizing just how many songs they would sing and the difficulty of the pieces ha. I've never played for many flats in my life and they're whipping out Samoan hymns I don't know and asking me to play. Anyway.. they're super committed and we'll spend easily 2 or 3 hours almost every night practicing ha. It's been quite the adventure! I actually really need all of you to pray for me this week. I am quite nervous to play for the whole Stake.. so I'm sure your prayers put up to Heaven will help me play a bit better. Mum, can you believe it? My piano teachers will never believe they're trusting me to play at Stake Conference ha. This is proof that members really do put missionaries on a higher level.
Cute Foxton |
We work in Foxton, which is this little town that reminds me of Randolph. We were looking for this less active couple and couldn't remember what house number the Branch President had told us but we guessed number 5. It wasn't them, but we met Nicole who was out mowing her lawn and working on the garden. We asked if she needed help, and she told us she needed help yesterday ha. But we rolled up our sleeves and started weeding her yard because she had a flat inspection in just a few hours. She didn't tell us much, but she just got through a messy relationship and she said that she knew God had brought us to her today. My companion cut her thumb on glass, but we still could help out. We're going back on Tuesday and we hope that she turns into an investigator!
Our baptism with Kirstin has been moved to October 25th because of General Conference and Stake Conference, but we are so excited for her! She came to 3 of the 4 sessions of General Conference and was there for Elder Bednar's talk, which rocked. This week we watched the full version of The Restoration and she was so cute and had prepared movie snacks for us ha. I have seen her change so drastically since being in Levin so it's so fun to see her continually be happier and more optimistic.
I'll leave you with my favourite quote from Conference from President Packer: "Christ is no stranger to His servants." I love being a missionary during conference because every prayer, and every talk seems to speak to missionaries and give love and encouragement. It's my last time being a missionary during conference so it's sad.. but I loved how Elder Bednar told us that we continue to be missionaries when we truly love and believe our message. I love you all and hope you have a beautiful week!!
Love, Sister Kennedy
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