September 21, 2014
There are 4 more emails that will be coming and they just have pictures and short descriptions under them. It's been a really busy week, but so great! The biggest news is that our transfers are on Wednesday and I'll be staying in Levin with a new companion named Sister Turvey. She's from England and I met her on her first day on the mission and she was so cute!
I got to go wedding dress shopping with Ruta and we found this beauty of a dress! Only $17, so not bad:) We went to all the Op Shops and we were lucky to find her wedding dress, shoes, and reception dress all for $50. |
This is what you call a successful shopping day a the Op Shop:) |
The Beautiful Bride and Groom:) Ruta and Michael Gase. My companion and I did all the setting up with the tapa cloth, flowers, chairs, and setting up the hall. |
He put a ring on it! (they were short on money, so I pitched in money and helped get it:) |
Right after her wedding, which was performed by the Bishop, we went into the baptismal program. Her sister-in-laws spoke, there were a few musical numbers of family members, and then she was baptised. She wanted to be baptised in her wedding dress, which was neat! she had to be basptised twice because the first time her dress floated up ha. But the second time it was all under.
Cutting the cake as a couple. |
We had missionary unity all dressing Samoan for the baptism and wedding ha. |
All in all, it was an awesome day! she turned 20, was married, and baptised. It was Sister Martin's first baptism which is cool because she's leaving on Wednesday. Elder Davis, the blonde Elder, got to baptised her and it was his first one. I may have been gone for my sisters wedding, but Ruta's wedding made up for it a bit:)
Last Monday we got to have a Zone P-day and so we met up at the chapel in Palmy and did a bunch of games. We had a 3 legged race and although we weren't very good, at least our picture was nice. |
This is our District Unity is our tug of war competition. |
I love you all so much! The Lord has been so good to me and He just needed me to be patient enough to receive my blessings. I hope you have an amazing week! I love you heaps!
Love, Sister Kennedy
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