November 9, 2014
I serve in Paradise!! |
This week was great (but every week is great being a full time missionary!) The highlight was our weekend of missionary activities.
Our Family History presentation on the chapel tour. |
Saturday we put on a Levin Chapel Open Home fit with a free car wash, sausage sizzle, bouncy castle, volleyball and chapel tours. We had so many people come! The ward was really supportive, a nonmember Dad did the sausage cooking, and heaps of people came through the chapel for a tour. The youth and dad's were outside with the yellow Helping Hand's bibs washing cars and holing cardboard signs on the road, and the missionaries were inside giving tours. We set up all sorts of presentations on things like primary, youth, Priesthood, the missionary lessons, and family history. (We had an Open Home in Blenheim over a year ago, and this one was so much more successful!) The day was beautiful and sunny and everyone had a good time.
Then Sunday night we had a member MTC night. We had 3 stations set up that they rotated through. They learned how to share the gospel through the media, Book of Mormon and personal contact. My companion and I did the presentation on Media which was really cool, ha slash sad because we can't use the ideas we gave. We hope it gives them a boost to share with their friends! We then had members of the ward who had served missions share a bit about it. We had a slideshow filled with their pictures and ours which was cute.
We were speaking to the Bishop after and he pointed out that for both events the main members who had come were a part of the Samoan Choir. I've played the piano and Sister Turvey has sung with the choir and at first we thought we might be spending too much time with them practicing instead of teaching, but this weekend taught me it was all worth it. Bishop told us members of the choir have come to him wanting to prepare to go back to the temple, and they were at our activities to support us since we've supported them. Yay!! We hope this has built the trust they need to get more involved in missionary work. Ha the broke bus was actually a good thing.. the Samoan choir is the best!!
Our new car getting washed at our Chapel Open Home. |
My companion has a condition that basically puts her body in pain all the time and biking was just so painful and so this week we had decided we really needed to get our own car to help her. It turned into a really frustrating issue because we had to just work with the cars we had in our zone and of course, no one wanted to give theirs up. We had tried and it didn't work, so we kind of just resolved that the Lord was going to need us to bike. The next morning we got a call from the Zone Leaders telling us they had found us a car. Ha I just started crying. I was so so grateful but then felt unworthy and so it was this whole combination on feelings. My companion had just told Heavenly Father that whatever happened she would trust His will and then the Elders called with the car. Ahh!! honestly. Our car is beautiful ha. It's a bluish Holden and it is going to help us so much.
We have this amazing new investigator named Bobilee! She's a friend of a recent convert (Bethany, who Sister Taleni, my mama, taught) and actually moved in with her. We walked with her to church, the fireside, and committed her to a baptismal date at the end of the month!! Yay. Pray for her, she's awesome.
This is cute Bobilee and Bethany. Sister Taleni was here for Bethany's baptism,
and Bobilee just committed to a baptismal date! |
Our recent convert Kirstin is doing so well! We started with her on Family History at the library and it's so exciting because she has this wide open family waiting for the blessings of the temple. Oh!! Our convert Ruta is having a baby girl:):) So that is exciting news.
I love you all heaps! I wish Aunty Lisa and Curtis a happy sealing this weekend:) Be good! God loves you. The Gospel is true!!
Love, Sister Kennedy
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