November 16, 2014
Kia Ora to my beautiful family! This week has been great!
The giant carrot on our road trip to Waiouru. |
This Wednesday we got to travel to Waiouru for District Meeting. The Zone Leaders and us attended so we could give some training from the Zone, which was great. It was about a 3 hour road trip and we got to pick up Sister Shaw and Vautier to save K's. It was so great! The weather was awful and the roads were sure windy, but we had some incredible views. After our District Meeting (which was in this adorable little white chapel that has a branch) we got to drive to a Lodge and give them service. We changed out carpets, cleaned windows, and got to chat to the lady about the Book of Mormon. It was fun! On the way back we got to stop at the giant carrot and gum boot (all across NZ towns have large sculptures of different things which is so cute!).
The beautiful Mataki family who was baptised yesterday!! |
Sunday we got to be the Zone Reps and attend a family baptism in Feilding. It was for the beautiful Mataki family and 6 got baptised! The Dad is a member and this past year he's been returning to activity. In our Stake Conference he received the Melchizidek Priesthood so he was able to baptise his 5 oldest children (1 is under 8) and his beautiful wife! It was so sweet. They were all baptised and then all confirmed. I got to play the piano for the baptism and was so happy we got to be there:) My past companion, Sister Leausa, worked with the family so she'll be so happy!
I keep having dreams that I'm on the airplane home and it's freaking me out ha. I'm pretty sure Heavenly Father is trying to make sure I realise how short my time is so I can work harder! The weather is getting warmer and it's staying light outside until almost 8:30pm which is so awesome!
My week was a lot busier than this email sounds... We set a baptismal date with Bobilee so she can be baptised on 12/13/14, neat aye! She's doing so well. We helped her and her adopted family move which was fun.
I love you all, I know the Gospel is true and the God lives and loves us!! I've been such a recipient of His blessings, love, and guiding hand. Being a missionary is the best thing! After Sister Mataki was baptised she just said, "I want everyone in the world to be baptised!" Ha wanted to just start doorknocking. I hope we can all feel that way and desire to share the beautiful good news of the gospel with those around us!!
All my love, Sister Rachel Kennedy
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