February 17, 2014
So.. let me just tell you about the most epic meal appointment of my life!! This beautiful family in the ward invited us for Sunday dinner. They have 5 boys, they met serving missions together in Auckland, and they are just delightful. It's been a bit cold here in Wellington, but this day was gorgeous. The Brother wanted to eat outside on the deck, the Sister wasn't so sure. There was a broken umbrella to shade the table and so the Brother was out using his power tools to jimmy rig it enough to give us shade. It look a long time. Finally, the table was set, the food was ready- a beautiful meal with enchiladas, rice, salad, corn and all the topping- and the umbrella was in. Just 2 bites in we hear this incredible rumble and the entire glass topped table crashes to the ground!!! We are all in immediate shock as we see everything laying in bits on the ground below us. I immediately say, "Grab a camera and take a picture!!" (You can see where my priorities are.)

I was on exchanges for like 3 days, which is really long, but it was the best. One of the members from Blenheim was moving up here, but I couldn't remember when. We got a call from a private number and I finally figured out it was the Schaumkel's! We got to visit their new home and seeing them was just the sweetest thing. I'm making lifelong friends and family here. That's the beauty of the gospel. I may return home one day, but I know I will see these people again. Our Mission President and wife were in our District Meeting this week, and they are just the sweetest. They go home in July and you can see how sad they are to see it come to an end. Time goes by incredibly fast, but I know we are each called to not only the mission but also to the Mission President. This gospel is true and it makes me so happy:)
Love you all heaps!
Sister Kennedy
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