April 27, 2014
On the 25th of April every year they celebrate ANZAC Day. It's to commemorate Australia and New Zealand's contributions in 1915 to World War I. Many soldiers died that day as they went into battle. (Next year is the 100th Anniversary and apparently the Queen herself will be coming to Wellington.) They hold a dawn service every year, so it was the one day of our mission we are allowed to leave early. We woke up at 4:30am, left at 5, walked the streets of Wellington and arrived to see the soldiers marching and hear the bag pipes playing in a parade. They then had a service with taps, a band playing hymns, and a man speaking about the event. It was really neat! It was still dark while we were there at 5:30am but the sun came up around 6:15 after the service and it was really cool. I thought a lot about my Grandpa's and those who have served and are serving in the military now. I feel so patriotic to this country in where I live, and am so grateful for those who have served worldwide.
The Elders, a recent convert, investigator, and our senior Sisters at the ANZAC Day dawn service. |
I had a wretched cold this week and am still fully recovering. My colds always come at the worst times ha. But luckily I have the sweetest leaders. Sister Kezerian, our mission president's wife, had a full container of Benadryl from America. AHH! She lives a bit away but found a way to deliver the medicine through a member and it just showed me how much love our leaders have for us and all that they will do to help. I love the Kezerian's so much and it will be really sad to see them leave in July. My mission and everyone in it is so special to me:)
Look how cool- you can see the plane coming it about to land!! I love living near the airport ha. |
On Saturday we got to stack heaps of wood for this woman and it was really fun. It reminded me of working at the cabin and the Saturday mornings we'd spend cleaning the yard. The next door neighbour had an old radio playing out of his garage with the same kind of music dad would play and it reminded me of home. Plus it felt good to do service! I forget that it's fall because I have always associated the seasons with the months. Luckily I am seeing the trees on the streets that remind me it is fall. It is getting pretty nippy here, but I think my body is also getting used to the weather.
This is a peg leg seagull I met the other day. Ha I couldn't stop laughing,
but he was still really good at jumping and flying. |
We have these two girls from Samoa, 19 and 21, who are the best! We've been teaching them with their friend who is a recent convert and they both have such righteous desires to follow Christ. We've invited them to be baptised many times but they've always had reservations and things holding them back. We were so blessed this week to see their hearts softened. The only thing that is now holding them both back is their parents, who are both staunch catholics. One named Roylina is all pumped to be a Mormon and we've only taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ and follow the prophet ha. Leilani had started this 21 day fast and prayer program which we didn't know about. We taught her about the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity and she told us that it was a direct answer to her prayers. The words that came out of my mouth seemed so normal, but she told me they were just what she had been yearning to hear. I love getting the chance to speak the words Heavenly Father needs to give to His children.
There are old army barracks on this lookout in Wellington and we went there with one of our beautiful YSA. |
I'll leave you with a great quote that was sent to me by Brother Montgomery this week:
"Whether or not the invitation is accepted as you invite other to "come and see", you will feel the approval of the Lord and, with that approval, an added measure of faith to share your beliefs again and again."
Neil L. Anderson
I hope you all have a beautiful week! This Gospel is true and I love having the opportunity to share it with the people of New Zealand because it truly makes me happy! We gain our testimony as we share it.
Love, Sister Kennedy
P.S. Frederick's family in Heber, and Katie Vincent. Elder Pelo knows you both and says hello:) He's the tall one who played basketball at Snow. Ha small world.
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