May 5, 2014
This coming week is Mother's Day! And although it will be Mother's day next week when I email, it will have already passed for me, so I wanted to send this letter in dedication of my mama and all the women who have taken part in shaping who I am. This is from Julie B. Beck's talk in 2007, "Mother's Who Know" and I'll try tying each of the subjects into our adventures this week.
Mothers Who Know Bear Children
We had a great service opportunity this Saturday in helping our investigator move to a new flat. She has this little boy named Robert and he's hilarious. They are from Russia and their English is pretty limited, but this little boy just makes me laugh. Children are great, as my mother should know, because I am her daughter:) Plus, it always feel good to get the chance to give meaningful service.. in my Utes shirt:)
Mothers Who Know Honor Sacred Ordinances and Covenants
Alma 56: 47 "They had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." The Wellington Stake had their big trip up to the Hamilton Temple this week and I was so jealous that I couldn't go! The YSA loaded up 2 big passenger vans and I was pretty tempted to just jump on myself. I've never been away from the temple for so long. The testimony meeting after the temple was so spiritual. I love hearing about the feelings that people have after attending the temple. It will be such a sweet reunion to get to attend the temple again! A recent convert got to attend and do baptisms for the first time which was awesome, and my convert Elizabeth received her temple recommend so she can go soon!
Mothers Who Know Are Nurturers
My companion got sick, and I got resick. So I guess in line with being nurturers, we helped each other by passing each other tissues and such ha.
Mothers Who Know Are Leaders
I really enjoy being a Sister Training Leader. I don't know how long I will continue to serve. Our mission is going through massive changes before our new mission president arrives in July, and with that a lot of leaders will change. That way, President Hudson will have a mission full of missionaries who have had time serving as leaders. Seems smart to me! I had an exchange with Sister Russell, from Idaho Falls, and she's the cutest. While we were on exchange we set two baptismal dates, which was such a miracle! It was funny- it was a pampering exchanges. I plucked her eyebrows, she curled my hair, we painted our nails and even gave each other back massages. We sound like such girls.. but sometimes these things much be done ha.
Mothers Who Know Are Teachers
We have this Uni student we are teaching named Hayley. She's like the best! Sometimes investigators surprise me, and she has definitely surprised me! She didn't seem that she was actually very interested, but this week she committed to a baptismal date in June, she came to church for all 3 hours, and she attended the YSA break-the-fast and like loved it all. So neat!! Good things are happening. Mainly all our progressing investigators live in Karori, which takes like 20 minutes to travel to. But oddly enough, the first branch in New Zealand was in Karori so that is some rich Mormon heritage.
Mothers Who Know Do Less
Not really an option as a missionary.. but taking time to enjoy the beauty really helps me appreciate all that God has given to me. I really do live in the most beautiful place in the world.
Mothers Who Know Stand Strong and Immovable

I hope everyone has a beautiful week! I love being a missionary and the work here is slow, but so fulfilling. This gospel is true!
Love, Sister Kennedy
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